What is in your sacred space?

  • Gratitude

    A sacred space with over flowing love can leave you with an abundant amount of grace. If you receive gracefully, you will be overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude is something that flows out of you. People have always told you that the magic words are “thank you,” but gratitude is not cultivated; it happens when you are overwhelmed by something or someone. Such an experience can make gratitude feel like an understatement.
  • Self Love

    Your own self-realisation is the greatest service you can render to the world.

    Your self love journey begins the moment you wholly accept yourself and lovingly nourish your body, mind, and soul. Self love is a state of appreciation that augments from actions that support our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth. 

    Our body decor collection has a variety of ornaments and crystals you can treat your body to, for being the divinely perfect creation that you are!


  • Cacao

    In Mayan tradition, the word cacao is literally translated to “heart blood“, emphasising the importance the plant possesses in indigenous culture. In Greek, Theobroma Cacao - the botanical name of this plant means food of the Gods! 

    Cacao aims at gently touching and opening up the emotional center of our body - our heart chakra, Anahata. This plant medicine works specifically by bringing us back to the feeling of love, oneness and connection. This opens up the space to deeply connect to our higher path and our innermost self. Pour yourself a cup of sacred cacao from the ceremonial plant medicine collection and go on an inward journey, opening your heart to the infinite.

    • Sacred Space

      Sacred space is the field where a certain kind of creation becomes a possibility. The word sacred means to consecrate, to set apart, to dedicate and holy. Creating a sacred space is a way to dedicate a space that is devoted to a purpose - not just within yourself, but in your home. Your home is an extension of you. Live well :)